Friday, October 8, 2010

Forum & Video Tutorial

Hi everyone!
Hope that everything is alright! Sorry for not updating the blog very much ‒ I know I said that would try to upload sketches daily, but I found myself busy during the past few weeks. I keep sketching and drawing, though ‒ but I still can't show you the results. :P

But well, I'm coming here to announce that Snatch59, the website runned by my friend, Billy Limerick, got a revamped look, with more features and, of course, a mini competition to celebrate the re-launch! The site is an art and design community, where you'll find news, articles and tutorials, plus you can also create your own portfolio and threads to show your works through the forums or simply discuss topics. The site is truly great, with lots of interesting content so, if you want to take part of this, just register on the site! ;)

And, after some while of silence, I'm also finally bringing you a new tutorial, released on Painting.DTuts ‒ you should really check the whole website, it's full of extremely helpful articles!
Mine is a video tutorial, actually, where I explain how a very basic face can be done on Photoshop, though if you use other softwares will work fine as well. I focused on creating a material for beginners, so I tried to cover everything done ‒ surely, I hope you'll like the video and that it'll be useful! :)
Thank you very much Marina and the team from Netrino Media for the great opportunity!

Hugs to all,