Sunday, June 20, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4!

Some doodles I did directly with a ballpoint pen during phone conversation with a friend of mine! Nothing really special or sophisticated, but I wanted to share something traditional, since I'm lately doing more things like that – mainly college works. I really like to draw on tablet, but most of time I prefer to do it on paper, especially when it comes to sketches and studies.

I'm currently also trying to learn oil painting; maybe I'll post here some result of this "experiment" one day – oh, God! Prepare youself for the terror! Hahaha! :P
Anyway, the big-nose man there in the drawing is my favorite. ♥

I hope you like doodles!
Bigs hugs to all,

P.S.: I'm almost finished the video recording's editing and the tutorial for Live Water! I'm really, really sorry for the eternal delay!!! :((((